Bible verses ئاپەکان

Amplified Study Bible 1.0
Bible verses
Amplified Study Bible is a unique app which enables you to readtheBible on the go on your smartphone or tablet, even when you arenotconnected to the Internet. This is the perfect app for you! Withanintuitive and easy-to-use interface, it gives you the chancetoread or listen the Holy Bible on your phone. The app offerstheAmplified Bible, the best study Bible enriched with MatthewHenry’swell-known biblical commentaries. Enjoy hundreds ofnotes,commentaries and explanations of verses that will help youtobetter understand the Scriptures. New features of the app: -AudioBible: read and hear the Bible at the same time - It is FREE-Offline use (No Internet required) - Easy access to all Chaptersofthe Holy Bible - Select and bookmark verses and create a listoffavorites - Add your own notes - Share verses with friendsandfamily via text message, email, Facebook or Twitter - Theappremembers where you last stopped reading - Easy-to-usekeywordresearch tool - Increase and decrease the font size of thetext -Switch to night mode and the display is much easier on theeyes -Portable and easy to use! Take the word of God with youeverywhereMatthew Henry was a renowned minister and pastor born inGales,United Kingdom. In 1708, he wrote his famous work, Expositionofthe Old and New Testaments, a complete verse-by-verse guidetostudy the Word. Enjoy all his work downloading this usefulapp.Start learning now, choose a book and read: The Old Testamentiscomposed of 39 books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers,Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1Kings, 2Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther,Job,Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah,Jeremiah,Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,Jonah,Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,Malachi. TheNew Testament is composed of 27 books: Matthew, Mark,Luke, John,Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,Ephesians,Philippians,Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians,1Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter,2Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.
Biblia Israelita Nazarena 1.0
Bible verses
Descargue gratis aquí la Biblia Israelita Nazarena que contienelaToráh de Moisés, la ley divina, la autoridad escrituralmáxima.Encuentre las raíces hebreas de la Biblia en estahermosatraducción fiel a los idiomas bíblicos originales y quecontiene labelleza y el poder de los antiguos textos hebreos.Biblia hebrea oBiblia hebraica es un término genérico parareferirse a los librosde la Biblia escritos originalmente en hebreoy arameo antiguos. Seajusta muy estrechamente al concepto judíoTanaj y al cristianoAntiguo Testamento. La Biblia en su versiónIsraelita Nazarena(VIN) es la obra cumbre del maestro José Álvarez(Yosef) fundadorde la Escuela Hebraica, que creó esta versión de laBiblia basadaen los mejores textos Bíblicos judíos y cristianos.Descárguelaahora y disfrute sus nuevas funcionalidades: - Es gratisy offline(Sin necesidad de estar conectado a Internet) - Versiónaudio de laBiblia - Buscador por palabras clave - Posibilidad demarcar yguardar los versículos que más le gusten - Arme su listapersonalcon sus párrafos favoritos - Agregue notas a losversículos(excelente como herramienta de estudio) - Opción deaumentar odisminuir el tamaño de la letra - Modo nocturno paradescansar lavista cuando lee por la noche - La app recuerda elúltimo versículoleído Descargue la Biblia hebrea completa, escojaun libro ycomience a leer: Libros del Antiguo Testamento: (Génesis,Éxodo,Levítico, Números, Deuteronomio, Josué, Jueces, Rut, 1Samuel, 2Samuel, 1 Reyes, 2 Reyes, 1 Crónicas, 2 Crónicas, Esdras,Nehemías,Ester, Job, Salmos, Proverbios, Eclesiastés, Cantares,Isaías,Jeremías, Lamentaciones, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oseas, Joel,Amós,Abdías, Jonás, Miqueas, Nahúm, Habacuc, Sofonías, Hageo,Zacarías,Malaquías) Libros del Nuevo Testamento: (Mateo, Marcos,Lucas,Juan, Hechos, Romanos, 1 Corintios, 2 Corintios, Gálatas,Efesios,Filipenses, Colosenses, 1 Tesalonicenses, 2 Tesalonicenses,1Timoteo, 2 Timoteo, Tito, Filemón, Hebreos, Santiago, 1 Pedro,2Pedro, 1 Juan, 2 Juan, 3 Juan, Judas, Apocalipsis)
NIV Study Bible 1.0
Bible verses
A study Bible like none other! Experience the differencetoday!Download the New International Version (NIV) enrichedwithExpositor’s Study Bible, the most valuable resource forreaders,students, and teachers of God’s Word. Commentary notes areplacedwithin or at the end of the verses, making the Holy Biblevery easyto read and study. You can even read the Bible offline,withouthaving an Internet connection. Additionally, you can clicktheaudio button and hear all the chapters or verses. Click here forafree copy and get your Bible on your phone today! Expositor’sStudyBible contains 13 study guides and 38 commentaries on theBible.His author was Jimmy Lee Swaggart, an AmericanPentecostalevangelist Pastor born in Louisiana. His Christian workwastranslated into several languages and is considered amajorcontribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures.TheReverend Jimmy Swaggart preaches in stadiums filled withcapacitycrowds around the world and has a television programmingseen bymore than 8 million people in the United States and by morethan500 million people worldwide. The weekly Jimmy SwaggartTelecast isseen in 104 countries and over the Internet. Hiscommentaries andexpositions of the Bible provides Pastors andstudents with auseful tool for the teaching of the Scriptures andhad become astaple of seminaries and pastor’s studies worldwide. Aswell asfree downloading and offline use, this app has somespecialfeatures: - Audio Bible (Listen for free to the completeNewInternational Version with commentaries) - Bookmark yourfavoriteverses - Add notes to all the verses you like - Create alist offavorites - Send verses to your friends or share verses onFacebookor Twitter - Switch into night mode to a high qualityreading -Adjust text size for a comfortable reading - Keywordresearch TheNew International Version is divided into two mainparts: the Oldand the New Testament. The Old Testament is composedof 39 bookscalled: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,Deuteronomy, Joshua,Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job,Psalms, Proverbs,Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentations,Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah,Micah, Nahum,Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. TheNew Testamentis composed of 27 books called: Matthew, Mark, Luke,John, Acts,Romans, Corinthians 1 and 2, Galatians, Ephesians,Philippians,Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1Timothy, 2 Timothy,Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2Peter, 1 John, 2 John,3 John, Jude, Revelation.
Bible Parole de vie 1.0
Bible verses
Lisez, écoutez et étudiez la Bible en ligne et hors-ligne,lorsquevous n'avez pas d'accès à Internet. La parole de Dieuapporte lapaix, ravive l'âme et donne un sens à la vie. Étudiez celivreunique et méditez sur la Parole de Dieu tous les jours. LaBibleParole de vie a été crée en Afrique de l’Ouest dans unlangagesimple, clair et précis, spécialement conçu pour lespersonnes quin’ont pas le français comme langue maternelle maiscomme deuxièmeou troisième langue. Cette version permet aux enfantset aux jeunesde comprendre la Bible facilement. La Version Parolede vie utiliseun style direct et assez facile à lire, trèsconseillé pour leslecteurs débutants. La meilleure version pour unemeilleurecompréhension de la Parole: - Téléchargez gratuitement -Versionaudio: Écoutez la Bible complète - Lecture Hors-connexion -Marquezvos versets préférés - Créez une liste de favoris -Partagez-lessur vos réseaux sociaux - Ajoutez des notes etcommentaires auxversets - Activez le mode nuit: permet d'appliquerun filtre surl'écran pour réduire la fatigue oculaire - Modifiez lataille dutexte pour faciliter la lecture - Recherchez par mot-cléNourrissezvotre âme de la Parole de Dieu en lisant chaque jour unpassage. Enouvrant la Bible vous entendez Dieu parler. La BibleParole de vievous aide avec son langage clair et compréhensible,c’est unenouvelle chance pour mieux comprendre la Parole de Dieu.Nous vousencourageons à persévérer dans votre lecture. La paix etla joie duChrist soit avec vous. Voici la liste des livresbibliques: AncienTestament: Genèse, Exode, Lévitique, Nombres,Deutéronome, Josué,Juges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Rois, 2 Rois,1 Chroniques, 2Chroniques, Esdras, Néhémie, Esther, Job, Psaumes,Proverbes,Ecclésiaste, Cantique des Cantiques, ÉsaïeÉsaïe ,Jérémie,Lamentations, Ézéchiel, Daniel, Osée, Joël, Amos, Abdias,Jonas,Michée, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophonie, Aggée, Zacharie,Malachie.Nouveau Testament: Matthieu, Marc, Luc, Jean, Actes,Romains, 1Corinthiens, 2 Corinthiens, Galates, Éphésiens,Philippiens,Colossiens, 1 Thessaloniciens, 2 Thessaloniciens, 1Timothée, 2Timothée, Tite, Philémon, Hébreux, Jacques, 1 Pierre, 2Pierre, 1Jean, 2 Jean, 3 Jean, Jude, Apocalypse.